Only fired?

bell hooks, “All About Love

“When images we see condone violence, whether they lead any of us to be “more” violent or not, they affirm the notion that violence is an acceptable means of social control, that it is fine for one individual or group to dominate another individual or group.” (98)

Only fired? This week has been really trying on the political side. It’s hard being an immunocompromised Black man in a time like this. Following in line with Roe V. Wade, Bollinger has been overturned by the Supreme Court, as affirmative action no longer mandates that colleges consider race in their admissions practices. This week Chicago was hit with wildfire smoke that is choking Canada. Wildfires that have been caused by climate change and the 88 companies feeding the fossil fuel industry and destroying the Earth. Following in line with Roe V. Wade, Bollinger has been overturned by the Supreme Court. 

1- Breathless

Whether in the city or in the country to be Black is to be breathless. 

Gasping for air in a racist world clinging to an anti-black present. 

Mississippi still leaves me breathless. 

breathless like Michael Jenkins and Eddie Parker in Mississippi.

tazed, terrified, and tortured as 6 police officers handcuffed 

and violated them for nearly two-hour. 

And the cops? Fired. 

To be Black is to be breathless.

Clinging for air in a suffocating uncertainty.

Struggling to breathe as natural particulates cover the city. 

Grappling with the rising temperatures throughout the globe. 

Ignorant to our deteriorating dark reality. 

To be Black is to be breathless. 

Whether 11 or 22 to be Black is to be breathless. 

Left gasping for justice as Black people are killed, beaten, locked up, and fucked by the state. 

Mississippi still leaves me breathless. 

like Aderrien in Indianola. 

11 years old, almost lost his life after being unintentionally shot by a police officer that he called. 

And the cops? Nothing. 

To be Black is to be breathless. 

Left hyper-vigilant. always on p, never lacking.  

Always looking, searching, praying for better. 

Practicing joy and hope in freefall. 

To be Black is to be breathless. 

2- Wtf

Today, affirmative action was stripped as racism maintains its permanence. 

Cause advantages based on race deemed unconstitutional? 

This world leaves me breathless. 

How is it that the world around us is deteriorating and we still allow the country to drain us dry? 

We deny millions refuge as we have torn their countries apart. We declare war on wokeness in a plot to Make America Great Again. Like the daughters of the confederacy, we spread misinformation like wildfire. 

There is a wildfire in Canada so bad that Chicago is in a cloud of smoke. 

A heat dome is devastating the unhoused and poor in the South as people cling to cool air. 

At this point, I don't know if climate change, capitalism, or racism is going to kill me first. 


Just some July Thoughts


What is queer in 300 words?